Request a quote for partnership.
Please fill out the form below and allow up to 2 business days for us to respond with your customized quote. If you found this page before having the opportunity to review our services and decide which ones are right for you, here's where you can find them.
If you're not sure which trainings or services would best meet your needs, or you have an idea for a custom collaboration, book time on Andrea's calendar here for further discussion!
Thank you for considering partnership with The Center for Mindful Improv Thinking!
If you're not sure which trainings or services would best meet your needs, or you have an idea for a custom collaboration, book time on Andrea's calendar here for further discussion!
Thank you for considering partnership with The Center for Mindful Improv Thinking!
A Note of ThanksTo the person filling out this form,
Thank you for visiting this website, learning more about the CMIT and taking the time to request a quote for partnership. I built this company to serve heart-centered employers who strive to make work a wonderful place to be. I know what it feels like when that's not the case, and I bet you've had those experiences too! Over the years, I continue to be grateful for the many leaders or culture advocates like YOU who pour so much time, energy and heart into creating healthy, people-focused environments. Regardless of whether or not we work together, I hope you'll remember that your work matters. The way you treat the people around you, and the way you show up with kindness, empathy and accountability... it makes a real difference in the world! So thank you! If you have any questions about partnership, I hope you'll reach out. Thank you again for your consideration! ~ Andrea
You're more than a moment, a feeling, a part.
You're more than an outside, you're inside your heart. You're much much more than your anger Much much more than your mind. You're a beautiful, marvelous, spirited, lovely, Wonderful one of a kind. ~ Fred Rogers |